Ter Zheng Yan

“Hi, I’m third-year Mechanical Engineering student Ter Zheng Yan.

I chose to study Mechanical Engineering at Curtin Malaysia because of its reputation for excellence in engineering education and its commitment to providing a global perspective on engineering practices and principles. As a Malaysian student, I was drawn to the diversity of the campus community and the opportunity to learn from experienced faculty members who come from a variety of academic and professional backgrounds.

In addition to my coursework, I have also been involved in the IMechE Student Chapter as Vice President since June 2022. Through my involvement in IMechE, I have had the opportunity to develop my leadership and organisational skills while working to promote the growth and development of mechanical engineering students on campus. I have gained valuable experience in event planning, fundraising, and public speaking, as well as in networking with industry professionals and alumni through FutureLab. I have also gained a deeper appreciation for the broader social and ethical dimensions of mechanical engineering and the importance of using engineering principles to address pressing societal and environmental challenges.

Overall, my experience at Curtin Malaysia has been incredibly rewarding. I am grateful for everyone’s encouragement and the possibilities offered by Curtin Malaysia and the Curtin Malaysia IMechE Student Chapter to help me learn and flourish.” – Ter Zhang Yan, Mechanical Engineering student

17 September 2023