Sabrina Ha Chian Huey

“Choosing to study at Curtin Malaysia has drastically changed my life. At first, all I wanted to do was push myself to study hard, get good grades and graduate as soon as I could, but after four years, I’ve learnt that university life is not just about getting good grades and coming out on top. It’s also about the experiences and life lessons you gain along the way.

“Making friends had always been a problem for me, so before entering Curtin Malaysia, I told myself I would try to make as many as I could. I did make many friends, especially when I was an orientation leader, committee member of the Curtin Civil Society and Engineers Australia, and while volunteering for events.

“So what’s my advice to new students? Step out of your comfort zone and go for it! Even if you are a shy person, make an effort to join events that you’re interested in. I assure you that you’ll enjoy the experience!

“Now that my university journey is coming to an end, I want to thank Curtin Malaysia for providing me with such amazing opportunities and experiences over the past four years. It’s been a fantastic journey!” –Sabrina Ha Chian Huey, Civil and Construction Engineering student

13 March 2022