Raymond Ting Jeng Mao

“I was once in a class where I thought some students were rather selfish, always doing their own thing and not bothering to help others. On one occasion, one of my classmates didn’t have a ride home so I offered to send him home. This seemed to surprise some of my friends who wondered why I was being so nice.

“When I entered undergraduate studies at Curtin Malaysia, learning proved to be a lot tougher. My classmates and I faced difficulties with of some of our units but we started helping each other get through them. Nowadays, whenever I find it hard to understand something, my friends will readily offer to help and I really appreciate that.

“So, for those who’re always waiting for help or wish something good to happen, why don’t you start first and be an influencer? We should not be afraid to help because we never know when we’ll need help from someone else.” –Raymond Ting Jeng MaoMechanical Engineering student