Praween Sarawanan

“A student’s journey is like chapters of a book, revolving around aspects like achievement, love, friendship, trust, emotions and more. That is how I would describe my experience at Curtin Malaysia. From the day I stepped onto the campus, there have been both beautiful and troubling moments, but at the end of the day, like most books, there can only be a happy ending.

“Now that I’ve reached my final year, I can look back at all the memories and many friends I have made through the years. I remember when I was appointed the vice-president the Borneo Model United Nations. Although the role was new to me, I was able to get a good grasp of my responsibilities and be an effective leader in a short time. I was also able to make new friends and gain a lot of experiences working in a team.

“My university experience has shaped my personality and prepared me for future life challenges. It has moulded me into the person I am today. The memories I have gained are simply priceless and unforgettable.” –Praween Sarawanan, Chemical Engineering student

6 March 2022