Nurul Amiera Husna Husini

“Many people say that studying in university will be one of the most unforgettable experiences in your life – the time where you learn and prepare yourself for adult life. Joining Curtin Malaysia at the age of 18 was a huge transition for me. I came from background where I’d been surrounded mainly by people of the same belief and therefore not that diverse. Furthermore, making friends and starting conversations was not something I was really good at. But I was determined not to shy away from others and today, I have really good friends to do crazy things with and friends who are super helpful and sweet.

“At the same time, I’ve realised that life can be quite unpredictable. It can change at any time. The pandemic came at a very wrong time for me, just when I was beginning to explore and gain more control of my life. It was challenging going from physical classes and meeting people face-to-face to just meeting on your laptop in isolation. But amidst the change and loneliness, I was thankful for all my friends who helped me through the tough times.

“Next semester, I will be coming back to campus for my final semester and I’m excited to make the best of it. It’s been a fantastic experience so far and one I’ll never forget.” –Nurul Amiera Husna Husini, Petroleum Engineering student

20 March 2022