Noelle Liew Wen Xin

“Hi, I’m Noelle Liew Wen Xin, a final-year Bachelor of Communication student at Curtin Malaysia.

I remember when I first started university life at Curtin Malaysia, taking the Foundation in Science programme back in 2021 when everything was being conducted online due to the pandemic. Obviously, I didn’t get to meet my classmates or take part in any campus activities due to the COVID restrictions at that time. Much of my time was spent facing the computer throughout the year.

After completing my foundation year, I enrolled in the Bachelor of Communications and I was able to go onto campus for the first time and enjoy the full university experience. At first, I was very shy about joining any activities, preferring to focus on academics. However, after getting to know quite a lot of people on campus in the latter half of 2022, I was able to step out of my comfort zone and take part in in a number of club and campus activities. Furthermore, I was able to widen my social circle and perspectives by getting know both local and international students.

Starting in 2022, I joined the Curtin University Theatre Arts Club (CUTAC) and participated in its annual plays, which has made my experience here much more memorable. It has also helped me gain confidence and apply knowledge I gained in my course to my club activities.

Looking back, I am glad I chose Curtin Malaysia to pursue my foundation studies and degree. As I enter my final year, I’m looking forward to creating lots more good memories before I graduate.” – Noelle Liew Wen Xin, Bachelor of Communication student

14 January 2024