Nancy Ujan

“Hi, I’m Nancy Ujan, an associate lecturer in the Department of General Studies at Curtin Malaysia’s Faculty of Humanities and Health Sciences.

Stepping into the classroom for the first time was like entering a world where my dreams took flight. To me, teaching isn’t just a job; it is a profound calling. Each day has brought new wonders and challenges, but it is the growth of my students that fills me with boundless joy.

 Watching their eyes light up with understanding gives a great sense of fulfilment, a sense of shared discovery. Through the years, my classroom became a sanctuary of transformation, where struggles melted into triumphs and doubts dissolved into belief.

Of course, there were moments of uncertainty, days when I questioned whether I was really making an impact. Yet, every reunion with a former student and every shared success reaffirmed my purpose as an educator.

Being an educator is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s about nurturing souls, igniting passions, and shaping futures. It’s a lifelong commitment, driven by an unwavering love for guiding young hearts toward greatness.

As I pursue my dreams, I envision a future where every student blossoms to their full potential, where the seeds of curiosity and compassion are sown in fertile soil. It’s a future where education transcends boundaries, where every learner emerges equipped to embrace the world with confidence and grace.” – Nancy Ujan, Associate Lecturer in  the Department of General Studies

24 March 2024