Matthew Ling Tai Yew
“Hi, I’m Matthew Ling Tai Yew, currently studying Foundation in Engineering and Science at Curtin Malaysia.
If I had to sum myself up in a few words, I’d say I’m an ordinary guy with an extraordinary love for chess and Chinese literature. I’ve always been passionate about learning, and while I admit I can be a bit impatient at times, it hasn’t stopped me from diving into new skills. Right now, I’m especially focused on the IT field, particularly networking and cybersecurity. My goal? To become an expert in this area once I graduate from Curtin.
I started my journey here in Trimester 2 of 2024, so everything is still fresh and exciting. University life is a big shift from high school, and I’m loving the change. The lecturers are amazing, making every class engaging and fun. But what’s really made this journey special so far is the people. I’ve met so many new friends and I’m excited to see where these friendships go.
I’m also honoured to have been selected as a student representative for the Foundation programme, and I’m looking forward to the opportunities and responsibilities that come with it. All in all, I’m eagerly anticipating the rest of my foundation year and the adventures that lie ahead!”- Matthew Ling, Foundation in Engineering and Science student
16 February 2025