Lie Zhi Xuan

“Hi, I’m Lie Zhi Xuan, a final-year environmental engineering student at Curtin Malaysia, from Ipoh, Perak.

I have always been passionate about improving people’s lives and creating a more sustainable future through engineering, which is why I decided to pursue the Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Engineering here at Curtin Malaysia.

Despite the initial challenges of adapting to a new environment, I am grateful for the warm and friendly environment of the campus. It has not only helped me settle in, but has also fostered a sense of belonging that has shaped my student journey and made my time here truly memorable.

Curtin Malaysia also provides an inspiring environment for academic and extracurricular pursuits. Over the years, I’ve not only immersed myself in theoretical studies and practical experiences essential for my future engineering career, but I’ve also been involved in various clubs. For instance, I joined the Curtin Social Ambassadors, and took on leadership roles in the New-to-Curtin Mentors, which have been extremely rewarding, allowing me to develop invaluable soft skills and forge meaningful connections.

In retrospect, I am grateful for all the support I have received and every person that I have met. All have enriched my uni-life in myriad ways. As I approach the end of my undergraduate studies, I’m excited to embark on the next chapter of my journey.” – Lie Zhi Xuan, Environmental Engineering student

5 May 2024