Karen Ling Shin Yee

“Engineering was not my first choice when considering university studies but I ended up taking chemical engineering here at Curtin Malaysia. There has inevitably been a lot of ups and downs in my university life so far, especially when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Suddenly, physical classes had to be cancelled and everything moved online. This sudden change was really challenging as it was really hard trying to stay motivated and focused at home.

“I have to admit online learning was really challenging and stressful at times. I also found it difficult to communicate with my groupmates and lecturers via online platforms, being not able to see them face-to-face. Thankfully I had kind and supportive friends who were always there to lend me a hand and guide me whenever I faced difficulties in my studies. ‘United we stand, divided we fall’ became our motto whenever we struggled with our studies, and this has kept us motivated from foundation year till now.

“I’m also grateful that I’ve had very friendly and helpful lecturers. With their guidance, I managed to get through all my assessments. Throughout my university life thus far, the best experience has been the amazing friendships I’ve made and I will treasure for the rest of my life.” –Karen Ling Shin Yee, Chemical Engineering student

17 April 2022