Jonathan Tham

“Hi, I’m Jonathan Tham, a final-year Environmental Engineering student at Curtin Malaysia.

My student journey at Curtin Malaysia has been incredibly eventful and rewarding. Choosing to study here was a significant decision for me, considering its distance from my hometown. Stepping out of my comfort zone and into unfamiliar territory required a lot of courage on my part, but I’m glad I took the leap.

At Curtin Malaysia, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting exceptional individuals from around the globe, enriching my understanding of different cultures and backgrounds. Miri has also been a great delight, especially its diverse cultures and culinary offerings, and its spectacular sunsets and beaches.

Academically, Curtin’s approach to learning and teaching has suited me well – very hands-on, opportunities for engaging site visits and practical lab work. These experiences have been instrumental in my learning and personal growth. My professors have also been very friendly and helpful, enhancing my overall academic experience.

As I near the end of my studies here, I’m grateful for the memories and friendships I’ve forged here. To my juniors, I encourage you to make the most of your time at Curtin Malaysia. It truly is a special place!” – Jonathan Tham, Environmental Engineering student

14 April 2024