Ibrahim Malik
“It has been a year since I joined Curtin Malaysia. Initially, just like any other student, I was delighted and to be honest, a little apprehensive as I had never been this far away from home, which is now more than 8000 kilometres away. However, I got the opportunity to befriend international students who were, just like me, far from home and I was able to enjoy the first few weeks of my university experience to the fullest.
“Then COVID happened, and due to travel restrictions, I was stuck in my dorm for about six months. I finished my first semester and then managed to fly back home where I completed my second semester online.
“Now, I have finished my freshman year through online learning which has been an experience in itself. I can’t say that the online delivery was in any way less efficient than face-to-face teaching due to the incredible dedication of my lecturers. I now look forward to probably another semester online as I continue my degree program.
“While I can’t wait for the campus to re-open and resuming face-to-face learning, I fully understand the need to continue online learning due to the prolonged global pandemic.
I just hope it will soon be safe to travel so I can return to having a normal university experience at the campus.” -Ibrahim Malik, Electrical and Electronic Engineering student