Gerda Natasha Solichien
“I joined Curtin Malaysia in 2020 as a double-degree student from Universitas Indonesia. I chose Curtin Malaysia because it is part of a world-renowned Australian university. It was also a great opportunity to be exposed to a new culture here in Malaysia and to study with students from many different countries here on campus.
“Entering a new university was quite a challenge for me. I had to adapt to the new environment and new faces, and the learning experience was a lot tougher than what I was accustomed to in Indonesia. Thankfully, everyone here has been very supportive and friendly, especially the lecturers. I also made lots of new friends, which has made life here more interesting and enjoyable.
“Besides my studies, I joined some clubs such as the Indonesian Student Society and the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Through SPE, I had the opportunity to represent the university in the PetroBowl Virtual Championship in 2021, and as the club’s vice president, I have learnt the importance of teamwork and also improved my public speaking skills. So far, my experience in Curtin Malaysia has been a blast!” –Gerda Natasha Solichien, Chemical Engineering student
17 July 2022